Endodontic treatment on upper left first molar with broken mesial and distal wall

Assalammualaikum Wr Wb.. Good Morning!!

welcome back to SekilasKonservasiGigi.Com, a full story of my mini series updated from my social media such as instagramfacebookgoogle plus, and also twitter. Sometimes, I also updated my cases at Line or Linkedin. 🙂 this topic will focus only on conservative dentistry cases such as restorative dentistry and endodontic or root canal treatment.


Endodontic treatment on upper left first molar
This case is a referral from my friend, an orthodontist. This tooth had a broken old composite resin filling with a secondary caries progressed into the pulp until loss its vitality.
After taking a proper consent, i started the dental treatment.

dokter gigi spesialis konservasi gigi terbaik di jakarta perawatan endodontik gigi molar 1 atas kiri april

First, I removed all the broken composite restoration, followed with rebuild up the mesial and distal wall using composite resin (z350xt – 3M) and Greater Curve Matrix.
Due to tearing of the rubber dam, i changed it with a new one. Then, i started the cleaning and shaping with Mtwo (VDW) prior to obturation with guttapercha and coronal sealing with low_shrinkage_stress flowable composite resin (filtek_bulkfill 3M).
Xray evaluation using durr VistaRay 7.1 at 60kV, 3mA, and 0,03s.
This treatment still continue to its coronal restoration..

Hope this treatment will be long last.

Yup, that’s for my 67h story in SekilasKonservasiGigi.Com, For more stories please visit CeritaPasienRio.Com or browse my fb at facebook.com/RioSuryantoro and instagram.com/Riosuryantoro don’t forget to click the follow botton on your rigth side to get the latest updates from my site.. see you on my next dental story..

thank You Very Much,

keep UP the GOOD WORK!!

keep on Sharing,

with love from Jakarta, Indonesia

Wassalammualaikum Wr Wb..

-drg. Rio Suryantoro, Sp.KG-

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